as big as a dinner plate.!...enjoy :)
Ive just brought a turtle and its my first he seems happy enough any know how big sliders get?
it should get about a 14 in shell give or take
Reply:Male Red-Ear Sliders get to about 9", females to about 12".
For more good info on this species and its care, try:
Reply:This is why pet stores shouldn't sell turtles. People buy them without researching them.
You just bought an animal that will live for 20+ years and will get to be about 30cm long. Once full grown it needs a minimum of a 55 gallon tank.
If you want more info on care, check out the link below.
Reply:red eared sliders are the most common slider a person would have and i'm assuming that is waht you have. They range anywhere within 10" give or take 1 1/2" depending on sex, diet and not so much but somewhat age.
remember though, 10 gallons of tank (not water) for every inch of turtle is a good rule of thumb. they grow fast. in less than a year they can grow from about 1 inch at hatching to over 5 inches in shell length. so be prepared.
Reply:about 12/14" when they are fully grown.
and they live for about 30+ years so you should think about it before you get it all set up.
Reply:The bigger the tank you have them in, the bigger they will grow. They only get as big as their surroundings let them.
health care
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