
Sunday, March 14, 2010

How do i cure a respetory infection in a baby red-eared slider without turing up the heat in my room?

I have a baby red-eared slider in my room and it has developed a respetory infection. I cant highten the tempeture in my room because my brother complains and my parents always side with him. The turtle has a gaping mouth and bask's all day unless i come near the tank. (It always runs away with a human presence to the tank, Its only about 5 mouths old after all) Also my parents refuse to take him to a vet because its expencive and im only 13 years old and I dont have the money for a vet bill....Please help?

How do i cure a respetory infection in a baby red-eared slider without turing up the heat in my room?
Are you sure it is a respiratory infection? Here is some info make sure that is what it is.

You need to have a submersible under water calibrated heater if you don't already have one. And a heat lamp for when he basks. There isn't much you can do except take him to the vet. Im so sorry about this and I hope he is ok and doesn't really have a resp. infection.
Reply:Well, this website will help you with the problem!
Reply:try a heating pad under the tank. not to hot..
Reply:His basking temps need to be correct. He must have UVB all day. His water needs to be heated to the correct temperatue, and he needs a well balanced and supplemented diet. Water needs to be absolutely clean! A large filter is often needed. They need about 10 gallons for every inch of shell to start with. See for great info.

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