
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ever wonder why 99% of reptile questions are about red eared sliders and iguanas?

its because they are the hardest to take care of. snakes dont get asked about like sliders do because what do you do with a snake? feed once a week. check water bowl, turn on and off heat light. thats it. but sliders and iguanas are the hardest to care for , and people dont realize it till its too late. scroll through the questions here in reptiles and look at all the people freaking out because they have no idea how to take care of their turtles. its sad. the thing that keeps me copying and pasting for them is im hoping someone will learn something. on average theres 2 red eared slider questions per page, that could easily have been avoided if the owner googled... . red eared slider.. too easy right? i guess not.

Ever wonder why 99% of reptile questions are about red eared sliders and iguanas?
both are cheap and easy to get.... most pet stores i stop into have a nice amount of both, and a cheap price for both.... reptiles seem to be all the rage these days and everyone wants one... maybe since these two arent as expensive as others they are the popular choice... they probably dont care about how to take care of them at first and buy them on a whim and expect yahoo answers to solve their care problems...
Reply:I cant say much, except that people who just get a turt cuz its cute need to be hit over the head with dead baby turtles that other people killed...

I started my reptile infatuation with a western painted turtle, about 2" long, beautiful lil guy. Started him in a 20gal, upgraded to a 55gal in the first three months. Now I also have a RES(adopted) that lives with my painted in a 90gal horse trough. They're tough to take care of, but you just have to use your HEAD.

I just set up the tank, put a basking spot up so he could get out of the water, and put a filter in there. He's fine, his shell isn't even messed up.

I guess what I'm saying is that if you're going to get a pet, know what its about. Right now I am researching sugar gliders and plan to get a pair in september. God knows I want one NOW but I need to get all the info I can(Been researching for 6 months now!).

Sorry I got so off topic... I'm just like you though, for about three months I was addicted to this site, trying to help people with their reptiles and such, but I learned you cant change stupidity because half of the time they wont listen.

Good luck in your quest to save RES and Iguana-kind.
Reply:i wouldn't say they are the hardest, they are the most intense. i have an iguanna , don't know squat about a turtle, but he is not hard just intesnse. people get them couse they are cheap and widely given false information on how to take care of them. when i got my iggy i was mis informed. i bought him for my hubby as a graduation present. at the store they said he was the easist to take care of that night i did my homework and found out that they lied. within two days i had him set up properly. if i didn't love all creatures and make a promise when i get animal to do everthing in my power to give it a happy healthy life i would have given up long ago on my picky iggy. conclusion it's a learning process you can only absorb so much at a time , these animals have a ton to try and absorb. but once you get a hold of it most people have no problems:)
Reply:It's not because those species are the most difficult. It's because those are the species that are most "accessible" (cheap) to inexperienced herp keepers.

The real mystery is why people with herp care problems don't look in one of the many good books available; they ask here instead, expecting to be spoon fed simple answers, without providing nearly enough information to solve the problem. And, most of the answers people give here really suck.

Ryan, I didn't say they WEREN'T the hardest (although, there ARE more difficult species out there) I said " It's not because those species are the most difficult".

And, there ARE a lot of questions about ball pythons.
Reply:I can't imagine what would happen if dogs and cats were so inexpensive that there would be no reluctance on the part of the impulsive people in pet stores. When I had an iguana I would actively go to pet stores to help the parents of begging children (usually around Christmas) understand what that 3 inch lizard turns into in a DOZ years. I would even wear the jacket I used to handle him as his claws had shredded it.
Reply:They are difficult to care for but they are cheap to buy which makes them popular and people don't bother to research the animal they are buying so when something goes wrong they ask instead of researching.
Reply:Hello Ryan...CUZ PEOPLE ( especially parents ) DO NOT DO THE HOMEWORK BEFORE they get the pets/reptiles..whatever..too many just think "Awww how cute, I want one," or their kid does %26amp; they haven't a clue, stores like Petsmarts, etc sell %26amp; they haven't a clue..cuz all they thing about is $MONEY$ !!! One thing you forgot tho VERY IMPORTANT...all reptiles/amphibians... ( other then snakes ) need UV light - plant grow light too %26amp; they can NEVER be housed in plastic tanks or containers or any kind ..EVER !!! I'm guessing I'm burning up the reptile site/store we use they do so care about the reptiles %26amp; proper care am hoping they don't mind...much ..LOL, all anyone has to do is READ !!! Mostly %26amp; most improtantly... tho, those of us who are in the know, can try %26amp; educate people, maybe even make some ..THINK , before they buy any, pets ;) We can only hope !!! Take Care:)


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