
Saturday, October 24, 2009

How long do red eared sliders sleep and...?

i got a red slider about 2 days ago and i want to know how long do red sliders sleep and why doesn't mines eat the pellets like i want it to? and why hasn't it gone number 2 yet?

How long do red eared sliders sleep and...?
I have had 2 for 36 yrs...

The minimum enclosure size for hatchling re-eared slider should be a 20-gallon aquarium (30" x 12" wide x 12" high). As a general rule, the water depth should be at least 1.5-2 times the turtle's carapace length, with several extra inches of air space between the surface of the water to the top edge of the tank to prevent escapes. For 4 to 5 inch long sliders, the recommended minimum enclosure surface area is 2.5 square feet with an extra square foot for each additional turtle.

plus...In the wild, re-eared sliders are omnivorous, eating both animal and plant sources of food. However, juveniles are mainly carnivorous and become more herbivorous as they mature.

In captivity, the diet for juveniles should consist primarily of a commercial aquatic turtle pellet. Hatchlings and juveniles should be fed on a daily basis; however, they should be offered no more than they will consume during a single session to minimize water contamination. The diet can be supplemented with occasional live fish of an appropriate size (guppies, goldfish), tubifex worms and earthworms. Plant matter, in the form of chapped leafy greens or finely chapped mixed vegetables, can be offered once weekly but may not be readily accepted until they grow older.

For adults, 50% of the diet may consist of commercial turtle pellets and animal base protein as per the juvenile diet. The remaining 50% should consist of chopped plant matter, such as kale, romaine, red leaf lettuce, mustard greens, dandelion, watercress, parsley. Swiss chard, shredded carrots, shredded squash, thawed frozen mixed vegetables and miscellaneous fruits. Adults can be fed every two to three days.

anddddd......Water quality and Filtration

Sliders are voracious feeders and tend to foul the water quickly with their messy eating habits and frequent defecation. Therefore, a system needs to be in place for management of water quality. Partial to full water changes can be performed. Many different filtration systems are available

plusss...Most common Disorders of Red-eared Sliders

Swollen eyes due to hypovitaminosis A

Soft shell, poor growth, or shell doming due to metabolic bone disease

Ear abscesses

Gasping for air, neck stretching or abnormal buoyancy due to respiratory infections

Shell "fuzz" due to poor water quality

Shell infections

Red flush to plastron due to septicemia

Prolapsed phallus

Trauma: shell fractures, wounds from fighting or abrasions on rocks or other objects.

email me if you need help.k?

36 yrs with sliders

44 yrs with fish..and a Mom
Reply:they sleep for 45 min and then go around agen for a view hour's.maybe try to feed him letteu's/cabbage/srimp he might like them better


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