I am 15 and want to know if it is alright for me to throw curves and sliders.
Also, as a follow up, is a knuckle curve safe to throw since you don't twist your arm or wrist?
How do you know if you are old/developed enough to throw a curveball or slider?
Work on your change-up. A good change-up is the best pitch you can have. Changing speed is what pitching is about because it throws the hitters timing off. Search some websites on change-ups.
You can throw curves but, dont throw them to much. Using it to much is when it becomes a problem.
Reply:This isn't about your age but about your personal physical development. That means that you need to ask this question of a doctor, but a doctor who has done or is willing to have done the x-rays needed to determine whether or not your arm is sufficiently physically mature.
Besides, the what you really need to be working on is arm strength and control, and the best way to develop that is to throw just fastballs.
Reply:At fifteen your best bet is to stick with a good change up. A good off speed pitch is the best thing to have. You can experiment with a breaking pitch to have in your arsenal but stick with fastball location and a good overall change up. Knuckle curveballs are great because they act just like a changeup.
Reply:when you start striking people out with it and it wont hurt your wrist at 15
Reply:you should start practice slow, then build up throwing speed...get your shoulder, arm, wrist warmed up....then, I see no reason why you cant let it fly.....good luck
Reply:You don't have to be a certain age to throw those, all it takes is practice and to be in good shape. Also a balanced diet wouldn't hurt.
Reply:work on mechanics. If you have a good coach or father, or someone that knows good throwing mechanics, have them work with you in getting that down with your fastball/changeup. Once you have sound mechanics, try your curveball, but don't change the mechanics. I was throwing curveballs and sliders when I was younger than you are now...although I highly recommend not throwing a slider till it serves a prupose. Sliders usually aren't even needed at the level you'll be playing for the next few years and they use the most unnatural arm motion I can think of of any pitch. Sliders can ruin an elbow quicker than anything. Curveballs though, can be safely thrown with proper mechanics at a fairly young age since it is mostly wrist action and SHOULDN'T have any more stress on the elbow that a fastball when thrown properly.
Reply:15 is old enough to state practicing your curve. Like the rest have said, work on the basics first, fast ball is number one, change up, with the seem braking ball. Read the book, Be a Better Batter, by Ted Williams. He has a few pitches in there to try and it will improve your hitting too. I have seen it at Barns and Nobles.
Play around with the seam position of the ball with your finger placement. You will be surprised how the seem position will affect the balls movement and rotation.
My favorite pitch is the knuckle curve. Hold the ball like a knuckle ball, but throw the baseball with a football hand position. Practice that and the batters will leave the box shaking their head in wounder. But, there is nothing better then striking out a batter with a plan old fast ball with good placement!!
Good luck and have fun!!
Reply:First off I never start teaching the curve until a player is over the age of 13. The development of a young persons body is still changing and the curve places wear and tear on the arm. You are old enough to start learning and developing one. The Knuckle Curve is a good changeup pitch and does not wear on your arm as much. The slider I teach to my 11-13 year old players as well as work on their mechanics. If you have a video camera tape your practices from behind the catcher. This will show you when you are opening up and help you learn minor flaws in delivery. Good luck with your curve and pitching!
Reply:Best bet is to ask any major league pitcher. The bet is that he developed it later in life-while he still had an arm.
Reply:when u start shaving taht means taht ur body hormones are developed and u can trow a curve and slider
Loose Teeth
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