I have three marine turtles (red ear sliders) and the scales on some of them is (not all of the scales just a few on 2 of the turtles) is turning white and then peeling off is that normal or is that a condition that can be treated
Is it normal for red ear slider turtles shell to peel off?
Turtles shed skin. A little peeling occasionally is fine. They shed their skin like other reptiles, but more continuously. As long as the shed skin is thin and tranlucent, and you don’t see anything unusual on the skin, and the shedding is not excessive, do not worry.
Reply:The following website offers valuable information on caring for your turtles....please check it out....
Reply:maybe turtle shells "shed" like other reptiles so they can grow? I have never heard of this, i would research it and if it is normal then i guess if it doesnt keep getting worse and what not they should be fine.
Reply:Technically you RES turtles are "aquatic" turtles, not "marine" turtles, which means "ocean".
The "scales" on turtles are known as "scutes", and they do shed slowly at times, but if they are thick or numerously shedding ( especially the marginal scutes-at the edges ) then this could indicate bacterial or fungal infection, or worse, renal ( kidney ) disfuction or failure. Additionally, upturned or misshapen scutes indicate improper diet, lack of proper UVB and imbalanced calcium/phosphorus uptake.
The turtle should be taken to reptile vet who will know the differece in the signs. If you don't know the difference between normal shedding or not, you gamble with a condition that could kill the turtle. Take it to a vet instead of asking people here who can't see it.
Reply:Yes that is perfectly normal for turtles. It's just like a snakes skin, they have to shed it so they can grow. My turtles do that too, and there different species from each other. Don't worry about it.
Reply:ohhh I dont think so =(.. I feel bad. I have four red ear slider baby turtles, which I actually found out are not legal in the us
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