
Friday, March 12, 2010

Is it possible to recegnize a red eared slider turtles age?

I have bought 3 baby red eared at the same time, but one of them is smaller than the other tow sliders. and the other 2 are not grown same, one of them is even biger.

Is it possible to recegnize a red eared slider turtles age?
Great question. I bought 3 red-ears just like you 3 months ago, and have experienced similar growth variances. I suspect that their dispositions play a role in their growth. For example, I've noticed the larger one stays at the surface when I feed them, the little one gets scared and stays at the bottom for a while, and the middle-sized one's behavior is well. . . in the middle. So while the other two are busy "hiding," the bigger one has a headstart on eating. I'm not sure as to the sex of my 3 turtles yet, but I suspect that may play a role as well.
Reply:they all grow at different rates. But if you notice that one of them is way smaller than the others and seems like it isn't growing much at all, then you should have it checked for parasites because this can stunt its growth.

Or if you see that one of them is eating up all the food and the other ones don't get to eat then try taking them out one by one and feeding in a separate container.
Reply:I have a girl and a boy and they are baby red ear slider turtles too. The smaller the tank the last growth they will have that is what a landy tolded me when i buy my first baby girl turtle, i order two more baby turtle one was girl ant the other was a boy before they got to my house i got a 10 gallon tank and that gave them more room to swim and get bigger ever day but my second girl turtle died so now i have just two so make sure the tank is 10 gallons or more so that they have lost of room to grow and swim and play ever day i hope that this helps and p.s. i have had my girl for about 6months and i had the boy for about 4or 5 month now.


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