
Friday, March 12, 2010

Setting up proper nesting site for Red Eared Sliders?

Ok so I'm assuming that the female turtle I have is pregnant(skin mass on hind legs, irate activity, etc.) I went to petsmart and got moss and calcium sand and another tank to help it lay eggs in. The problem is I've had the female in there on her own for about an hour or two and she's been still for the most part, just looking at me. What exactly constitutes a proper nesting site, and what do I need? the tank is about 10 gallons.

Setting up proper nesting site for Red Eared Sliders?
The nesting area should have lots of loose soil so the turtle can dig. It should be deep enough for the female to dig down to her body length. The egg laying area should be quiet and secluded.

Signs of Egg Laying

-Kicking at back legs (not to remove loose skin)

-Attempting to escape from the tank


-Laying an egg in the water
Reply:Can you see or feel the egg masses in the soft tissue between her rear legs and the shell?

Here is a link to a good article on reproduction and nesting:

Good luck!
Reply:idk bout females, but she may just be uneasy with her new environment. just give her some time.


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