
Friday, March 12, 2010

What do new zaneland red ear sliders eat ?

they are turles and they r still babies

What do new zaneland red ear sliders eat ?
Red Ear Sliders are omnivores who can be fed a variety of foods. This variety is important as it enables you to provide a healthy diet. The range of food can include pellets, aquatic plants, vegetables, supplements, insects, fish and treats (shrimp, fruit, etc.).


Red Ear Sliders are omnivores who can be fed a variety of foods. This variety is important as it enables you to provide a healthy diet. The range of food can include pellets, aquatic plants, vegetables, supplements, insects, fish and treats (shrimp, fruit, etc.).

Younger RES are more carnivorous. As they grow larger and older, they become increasingly herbivorous. Being carnivorous means a greater protein intake from prey, and young RES should take in a greater percentage of protein from their diet than older RES. Sliders of all ages will choose live prey if the opportunity exists, but it should only be provided occasionally. RES also need to receive additional calcium to help harden the shell and accommodate growth.

The primary diet of a RES usually consists of commercially made pellets, of which there are many types. With the addition of the appropriate vegetables and calcium, you can provide a balanced diet required for a healthy turtle.

RES need to be in water to swallow since they do not produce saliva. They may take food that's on land but will bring it into the water to consume it. Furthermore, feeding a RES in a separate tank should create a cleaner primary tank that will require less frequent cleaning and water changes. Thus, your turtle would be in a healthier environment with less cleaning maintenance.

Frequency and schedule

Turtles under a year old are usually fed daily, and ones over a year old are fed every other day. It is also appropriate to offer vegetables daily - even if they initially refuse. You may have to try different varieties to see which kind your RES would take. There are no established ideas on the quantity of pellets you should feed your turtle. The general guideline used by most keepers calls for the amount to be in proportion to the size of their heads (excluding their necks). I personally try to feed them half that amount but daily.

Commercial pellets should be the staple of your turtle's diet. They are specially formulated, but they should not be the only things that you offer to feed. Often products' packaging might list different estimates on how much to feed. Just be aware of the quantity you are feeding and take steps to ensure that your RES is receiving a balanced diet and is not overfed.

Turtles are very opportunistic and will eat despite not being hungry. If there is constant begging, then this is a good opportunity to offer vegetables such as Romaine lettuce.


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