
Friday, March 12, 2010

What vegtables can I feed my red eared slider?

I have been wondering, what are some good veggies and fruits to feed red eared sliders? My slider is about 4 years old and mostly his diet consists out of fish, worms, and dried shrimp. I tried giving him those turtle pellets, but he doesn't get near them. When they do enter his mouth by mistake, he just spits them out.

What vegtables can I feed my red eared slider?
Try giving him all veggies and just see what he likes. Carrots, lettuce, zucchini, kale, greens, anything like that works. If he doesn't want them tho, then he hasn't matured enough and is still in his meat stage. If he is still in his meat stage, just continue giving him meats and try again every couple of months.
Reply:Red-eared sliders are pond animals, so it's really best to avoid fruits altogether. If you do feed veggies, green leafy ones are best. Romaine lettuce is the most highly recommended.

Have you considered feeding pond plants? Local pet stores have aquatic plants that your turtle is sure to love. Anachris is a big hit with turtles. Duckweed is another excellent food source for turtles but since it's considered a nuisance (it is a weed after all) you won't usually find it for sale at a pet store. Some fish stores might have duckweed that they don't want and would be willing to give you. Also if someone you know has a pond, you can skim the duckweed right off the top. (Duckweed looks like tiny little dots floating on the water surface.)

Be sure your slider either gets plenty of sunshine or plenty of fluorescent UVB for best health.
Reply:basically Sliders are herbivores in the wild, they do love veggies but they sometimes tend to become you should put a variety in his tank, I would chop up in cubes carrots, lettuce, cabbage, beets, radishes, cucumbers, etc. and feed them to him but he might also like slugs, spiders, grasshoppers and large ants...just a few things I have feed my slider. Once my turtle was used to captivity and trusting me I started to offer him foods that he normally wouldn't be able to eat in the whole grain breads, fruits, hamburger meat, turkey, ham and some cereals...not talking coco puffs either, just don't give him high fattie foods all the time...but the vitamins are important to the sliders and you should give him supplements about once a month but you should not over do that either because you could cause liver damage also. So every week I tried some commercial food because my turtle wouldn't take it and I would through in some crickets and commerical food together for about a month, what I did was I would give my turtle a half dozen crickets every 4 days and I would throw in two sticks of commerical food, this time he liked them and I would give him less crickets and more food...until he went for the Commerical food first and crickets last....he will eventually eat the commerical food, it is healthy for him...Hope this helps... But it is NOT dangerous for him to eat Veggies at me on this...but do give him leafy veggies too...
Reply:You can try carrots, kale, mustard greens, collard greens, dandelion greens, spinach, dark lettuce, zucchini, apple, banana, papaya, grapes, melon, berries, and even aquatic plants. The carrots, dandelion greens, and bananas are usually favorites. I would try everything and see which your turtle likes the most, then you can switch what you're giving him. He should have fruits and vegetables daily and some type of meat about two or three times a week. As an adult he doesn't need as much protein and will probably love a daily salad.
Reply:Leafy greens and Dandelion greens
Reply:im going with yam
Reply:You can try to offer him chopped up kale with carrot or yam. I'm not an expert but I know reptiles can get particular about what they eat.

skin tone

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