
Friday, November 6, 2009

Why dont my red eared sliders go under ornaments like a castle?

its been about 2 months since we bought them it semms like there scared to go under things and theres a big hole in it

Why dont my red eared sliders go under ornaments like a castle?
This is probably a good thing as they are not the brightest crayons in the box... Nick made a good suggestion with floating plants. Most pet stores who sell fish carry live aquatic plants. There is one that I highly recommend as it digests turtle waste and will keep your tank clean and clear for much longer. It is called Anachris, it will need to be replaced as it yellows or your turtles eat it!!!
Reply:they may just need a little more it possible the ornament is to small? you can always call a pet shop and ask them when you are in doubt.
Reply:Most people dont want them to hide. And the smaller ones like to spend a lot of time at the surface. Floating (edible) plants are great hiding places. Its ok if they aren't using it. It means they are more comfortable in their environment. Something more natural might help. That and make sure their is enough room in it for them to get in, be able to move inside and be able to turn around and get out. Nothing to worry about.
Reply:I have had the same problem. If you can some how face a light there, they will be more likely to go in there. Hope it helps!


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