
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

How do you breed red eared sliders?

Why would you want to breed them? There are hundreds for adoption all across the country. They get larger than most people realize, so many are surrendered to rescues and animal control or are passed from family to family, or worse, released to areas where they are not native.

If you had a pair, you'd need at least 125 gallons of water (about 10 gallons per inch of turtle). You'll need a laying area, and will have to incubate the eggs. Also, there's always a risk of egg binding in the female if she doesn't like the laying area or you don't set one up soon enough. Egg binding can be fatal if not treated soon enough, so you should know the number for a qualified reptile veterinarian in your area, too.

FYI, female sliders don't start laying eggs until they are about 6-7" long (straight top shell length).

How do you breed red eared sliders?
Very hard job. They have really good books at the pet stores or at the library. One thing to pay close attention to them when laying their eggs. If they lay their eggs in the water they will eat them so make sure they have a land area with lots of fine sand so they can bury their eggs. Also if your turtles are smaller than the size of your palm then their probably not old enough yet.
Reply:The question is WHY breed Red-ear sliders? Red-ears are the most abused of all pet turtles. They are obtained cheap, sold cheap, and terribly mistreated. Most turtle enthusiasts would argue that there is no need to add to the problem unless you are offering a unique form of slider- pastel coloration, etc.

If you wish to pursue this, you can get the info you need at and
Reply:Please do not breed reptiles there are so many abused and neglected reptiles that there is no need to breed them.


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