
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why dose my red ear sliders neck opens underwater ????

My red ear sliders neck opens underwater . I have never seen Nessy neck open before this year ,I have had her for about 8 years .I think it's just gills but I have never heard of this before .Any help would be great thanks~David ()_*

Why dose my red ear sliders neck opens underwater ????
What?! your red ear slider's neck "opens" underwater?? it cant be. Red ear sliders do not have gills , turtles breathe through their nose.. the fact that you had her for 8 years means that it must be quite big already.. hmmm.. could it be that it's just the flabby skin around the neck?? they have them since young , but yours could show more since it's 8yrs old.. or does your "open" her neck means the stretching of her neck?? if that's the case , well , it's perfectly normal turtle behavouir..
Reply:The fact that you have had a turtle for 8 years and you think your tutle has gills scares me.

Thats all I have to say
Reply:i'd like to help you but i don't understand your question :(

it's very strange. what's happening?


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